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Pass the Picture helps students engage in close observations of visual texts to form conclusions and reconcile multiple viewpoints. This is a great strategy to promote empathy, critical thinking, and questioning because it examines a single issue or concept from multiple vantage points asking students to think through an issue from many different angles. 


Limited Space


  • 4-6 printed compelling images or graphs showing different (and even conflicting views) on a single topic or theme

Age Group

  • Upper Elementary/Primary

  • Middle School/High School/Secondary


Get into groups of 4-6 and identify an elbow partner to work with. Each pair should select 1 image from the print outs they want to start with. They will share a single image and have 1-2 minutes to discuss their observations using a format we call DAR-Describe, Analyze, Relate. After pairs have had time to discuss the first image the instructor says “Pass the picture”  alerting students to pass the image to the next pair clockwise and receive a fresh image. Once every pair has examined each image individually the small group (of 4-6) lays images out in the center of the circle, looks at the collection and discusses how they relate to one another.



  • What unites all of these images? Are there issues or themes they are exploring? 

  • What is each artist’s perspective? How do you know?

  • What stories are being told? Which perspectives are being left out? 

  • What other information would you like to know?


The House on Mango Street Adaptations

  • Check back later for more updates!

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